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Phoenix Council Funds 2 New Homeless Shelters

Two new homeless shelters are coming to Phoenix, along with expansions and improvements at existing facilities.

Last week, the city council approved $17 million in federal funding on emergency housing and services.

The state’s largest homeless shelter near downtown Phoenix is always full. The operator, Central Arizona Shelter Services, known as CASS, wants to open a new facility for people over the age of 55. 

Temporary Structure To Provide Heat Relief For Homeless People In Phoenix

The council will give CASS and Community Bridges each up to $4 million with this caveat: they must form advisory committees with at least half community representation and they must meet regularly.

“We feel very comfortable that we are going to want to have ongoing neighborhood input because that’s the only way we are going to replicate anything in the future,” said Craig Tribken, director of mission advancement and business development with CASS.

Community Bridges plans to open an emergency shelter for single adults in northwest Phoenix.

“There are individuals experiencing long-term homelessness who have experienced a deep sense of community who often go to school or have family members in the area,” said Elizabeth DaCosta, senior director of housing and community integration.

Community Bridges will also get money to increase outreach around the Human Services Campus where hundreds of people live in tents.

Other groups will receive money to increase staff, serve more families and boost case management services.  Here’s a breakdown provided by the city:



Services Funded

Proposed Funding

Scope of Work

A New Leaf, Inc.

Emergency Shelter


Increase staff at the East Valley Men’s Center (EVMC) which can serve up to 110 males experiencing homelessness; currently, 27% of individuals served were residents from city of Phoenix prior to coming into shelter.

UMOM New Day Centers, Inc.

Emergency Shelter


Continued operations for 25 units and expanding 5 new larger units for large families; serve up to 160 additional families per night.

Community Bridges, Inc.

Emergency Shelter


Direct care positions to staff a low barrier emergency shelter to serve 50-70 homeless individuals annually in northern part of city.

Homeward Bound

Emergency Shelter


Bridge shelter program to move families out of crisis and offer support while waiting for permanent housing.

Child Crisis Arizona

Emergency Shelter


Increase case management, counselors, nurses, etc. for children ages 4-12 years old.

Central Arizona Shelter Services, Inc.

Emergency Shelter


Family Shelter facility improvements to include a new computer lab and improvements to the apartments and staff.

Homeward Bound

Homelessness Prevention


Housing navigation services for up to additional 30 families.

A New leaf, Inc.

Rapid Rehousing


Rental, utility assistance and case management for up to an additional 75 individuals or families.

Community Bridges, Inc.

Street Outreach


Outreach teams (navigators, EMTs) to focus on a 1-mile radius around Human Services Campus.

Southwest Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

Street Outreach


Criminal Justice Engagement Homeless Street Outreach Team responsible for providing navigation services to those experiencing homelessness through their justice involved process.



As a senior field correspondent, Christina Estes focuses on stories that impact our economy, your wallet and public policy.