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More Trees? Compost? Solar? Weigh In On Phoenix’s Climate Action Plan

Phoenix is looking for input on its climate action plan. An online survey that can take as little as five minutes to complete asks residents and business owners to rank priorities and activities to limit climate change.

One question asks you to rank which activities you would realistically do — like take public transit, compost or buy solar panels. The survey also asks you to rank the top 4 activities Phoenix should address. The deadline to provide feedback is July 30.

In 2016, the City Council adopted the 2050 Sustainability goals to fulfill the city’s general plan aspirations of a sustainable desert city. The current draft Climate Action Plan proposes actions for Phoenix to achieve the 2050 goals.

The draft plan includes these 10 major goals:

1. Lead by example by transitioning city operations electrical use to carbon neutral by 2030 through energy use reduction and implementation of local and utility scale solar projects.

2. Reduce community carbon emissions from buildings, transportation, and waste to move toward becoming a carbon-neutral city by 2050. 

3. Support increased energy efficiency, renewable energy and new electric vehicle charging requirements in building codes, to achieve carbon neutral buildings city-wide by 2050 with all new construction being netpositive in both energy and materials by 2050. 

4. Attract businesses that turn waste into resources and create a thriving Resource Innovation Campus by 2030 to put the city on the path to zero waste by 2050. 

5. Support and prepare for 280,000 electric vehicles in the city by 2030 and rapidly expand bus, rapid bus, and light rail service to achieve carbon-neutral transportation by 2050. 

6. Become a top tier Heat-Ready City by 2025—implementing the Tree and Shade Master Plan by 2030 and building a network of 200 “cool corridors” by 2050. 

7. Continue to lead internationally in water stewardship — providing a clean and reliable 100-year water supply.

8. Create and maintain a healthy, sustainable, equitable, and thriving local food system with healthy, affordable and culturally appropriate food for all Phoenix residents by 2050. 

9. Create an inclusive and equitable city, prioritizing investments in previously underserved communities, proactively seeking community input on all major climate policy and related budget decisions and embedding equity in all climate actions. 

10. Significantly improve air quality in the region to meet federal air quality standards

As a senior field correspondent, Christina Estes focuses on stories that impact our economy, your wallet and public policy.