The outgoing mayor in the Sonoran capital is finally accepting election results that show she lost the race. But she quickly accepted a new role as part of the in-coming state government.
Hermosillo Mayor Célida López insisted on a recount after initial results of Mexico’s June 6th elections showed she had lost. She claimed there were irregularitiesat the polls.
But on Friday, she finally conceded to rival Antonio Astiazarán following an election court ruling in his favor.
Mi equipo y yo estamos con la total disposición de hacer un proceso de entrega y recepción transparente, con el orgullo de entregar como legado un buen gobierno. Felicito al Alcalde Electo @tonoastiazaran, le deseo por el bien de Hermosillo mucho éxito en su mandato.
— CELIDA LÓPEZ (@CelidaLopezc) July 17, 2021
Now, Gov.-elect Alfonso Durazo, a fellow member of the Morena party in Sonora, has brought her on as part of his transition team.
López will work with the tourism promotion commission. And Durazo said Monday that he will also consider her for a cabinet position when he takes office in September.
Muy contento de compartirles que se unen al equipo de transición, nuestra alcaldesa con licencia, mi queridísima @CelidaLopezc, en la comisión de fomento al turismo y mi estimado diputado federal, @juntosheriberto, en la Secretaría de Infraestructura y Desarrollo Urbano. 1/2
— Alfonso Durazo (@AlfonsoDurazo) July 19, 2021