With cases rising, Sonora’s Gov. Claudia Pavlovich is calling for a well-thought out strategy for a return to in-person instruction.
Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has recently calledfor in-person classes to resume this coming fall semester.
But in a recent meeting of the National Governor’s Conference, Pavlovich, the body’s president, shared her concerns about rising cases in her state and across the country.
She called for coordination between all levels of government to develop a plan to make the process as safe as possible for students and school staff, according to a state release.
Many educators across the country have been vaccinated, but few if any children have.
Sonora’s third coronavirus wave is still rising, though deaths have so far remained fairly flat. Just over 570 thousand people have been fully vaccinated in Sonora, or roughly 20 percent of the state’s population, according to recent federal data.