The future of transportation in Scottsdale could look much different.
Although Scottsdale’s seen a lot of development over the last 20 years, the city says travel demand has not grown as much as expected. Projects that made sense a dozen years ago may no longer be necessary or affordable.
The city’s updated goals and values include prioritizing people, safety and livability over motor vehicles and improving accessibility for types of transportation. As Scottsdale drafts its plan to guide priorities, investment, and spending over the next decade, people who live and work in the city are asked to share ideas about traffic flow, bicycle and pedestrian safety and transit options.
An online survey is available on the city’s website through Friday.
Goals Guiding Scottsdale’s 2021 Transportation Action Plan
- Prioritize people, safety and livability over motor vehicles and travel speed.
- Improve accessibility for all types of transportation and transportation users.
- Promote active and healthy living.
- Support sustainability and cost savings by preserving and maintaining existing infrastructure.
- Coordinate intradepartmental and interdepartmental projects and leverage funding to plan efficiently and economically.
- Close system gaps and improve local and regional connectivity with path systems, trail corridors and transit routes.
- Provide transportation options that support economic vitality.
- Ensure flexibility that can respond to economic development, changing technology and shifting priorities.
- Continually evaluate technology to innovate and implement safer, greener and more accessible transportation solutions.
- Improve environmental sustainability with decisions, programs and policies that preserve open space, reduce traffic congestion and consume less non-renewable resources.