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Maricopa County Seeing Increase In West Nile Virus Cases

Maricopa County officials are seeing a significant increase in West Nile virus cases. 

Last year, three human cases of West Nile virus and one death were recorded in the county, said Department of Public Health epidemiologist Melissa Kretschmer. This year, the county has seen 36 cases and one death attributed to the virus.

The increase may be attributed to rainfall during this monsoon season, Kretschmer said. 

“As much as we love rain in the desert, rain can contribute to mosquito problem especially if it is standing around for a long period of time that does allow the mosquitoes to breed and hatch," she said. 

The virus is typically spread through the bite of an infected mosquito, and most people recover. Individuals can reduce their chance of infection by wearing mosquito repellant and draining any water around their homes, Kretschmer said.

Rocio Hernandez was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2020 to 2022.