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Maricopa County Recorder Joins Pro-Bono Legal Network For Election Workers

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer will serve on the advisory board of a new pro-bono legal network for election workers.

The National Election Legal Network was formed in the face of unprecedented challenges and threats to election administration, stemming from dissatisfaction and conspiracies regarding the 2020 election.

David Becker, a cofounder of the network and the executive director of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, said it’s alarming that officials are still being targeted nearly a year after the presidential vote.

“We see now still, to this day, death threats and other threats being targeted at election officials, to professional election officials at the state and local level, and even their families," Becker said. 

In a statement, Richer said no election official should be worried about their safety or losing their job for simply fulfilling their duties.

“Election professionals across the country are hardworking men and women who do their jobs and want to see elections administered professionally and competently,” Richer said. “I look forward to collaborating with the Board to highlight the good work being done by these dedicated patriots and defending them from shameful tactics of threats and intimidation.”

Becker said the pro bono legal network can help election officials who need extra help beyond the advice of their own attorneys.

Ben Giles is a senior editor at KJZZ.