The Bureau of Land Management has scheduled a Jan. 20 virtual forum so people can hear from companies seeking to build large solar energy projects near metro Phoenix.
Officials have received three variance applications to put utility-scale solar energy projects on public ground in the Phoenix District of the Bureau of Land Management.
One area lies north of Gila Bend. The other is northwest of the White Tank Mountains. And the third is south of State Route 238 near the Pinal County line.
If built, the solar projects would produce about 1,500 megawatts combined, said federal spokesperson Chris Wonderly.
“Which would mean that they could supply large quantities of homes,” said Chris Wonderly, public affairs specialist for the BLM.
Wonderly said feedback from the public forum will factor into the feds’ decision whether to deny or move forward with the applications.
Going forward would trigger another review process to determine if the projects are in line with environmental law.