For many of us, climate change conjures up nothing but images of doom and destruction, from disastrous storms to wildfires to scorching heat. And it’s true — much of what we read about climate change paints a dire picture of our planet’s future.
And Chris Castro says it’s not in our distant future, either.
Castro is a professor and associate head in the department of hydrology and atmospheric sciences at the University of Arizona. He studies climate change, and he says the moment we’re living in right now in the Southwest is already unprecedented.
We see this in everything from new record temperatures and more demand on power in our cities, to burning mountain ranges and residual flooding in our wildlands, the picture is bleak. And especially when it comes to our rapidly-dwindling water supply, Castro says it could just get worse.
But Castro also works in the realm of climate adaptation, providing information about climate change to inform how we need to adapt in the future.
And in an interview with The Show, he said something really extreme: There’s reason for hope.
Indeed, the most recent United Nations’ climate science report seemed to strike a more hopeful tone. While predictions of the worst effects of climate change remain dire, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said we have the technology, solutions and time to stave off the climate crisis. But immediate action is necessary.
The Show spoke with Castro to learn more about climate hope.