A new report by PHI, a national organization that supports paid caregivers, found that Arizona is one example of a state leading the way when it comes to building that workforce.
Stephen McCall, the data and policy analyst at PHI, says in this latest report, Arizona was highlighted for an initiative called the Caregiver Campaign.
"The Caregiver Campaign, which is a public education campaign to really highlight the roles and importance of these workers in the labor market to appeal to folks who might be well suited for these roles," said McCall. "This is primarily taking the form of collecting stories from workers. These can be really powerful for recruitment, because workers can speak to both intrinsic and extrinsic benefits of their roles, as well as the real physical and emotional challenges in their roles."
The Caregiver Campaign is being led by the Arizona Long Term Care System Workforce Development Alliance, which is a coalition of managed long term care plans, providers and others working to address worker shortages.
"So I think by centering workers voices, and really highlighting the meaningfulness of this work and the importance of this work in the lives of older adults and people with disabilities," he said. "This is a real opportunity to appeal to the altruism of of job seekers."
McCall says other states have taken steps to increase wages, provide training and opportunities for advancement.