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Arizona could see monsoon come slightly earlier, curbing heat

The Valley typically reaches a 100-degree high temperature on May 2. We were a few days behind that this year, but we're making up for lost time, as highs since May 14 have mostly been at or near the century mark. Forecasters say May 20 should reach 98.

Hot, dry conditions in May and June are always expected — and then hope remains that the monsoon will bring us some moisture and rain in July and August. Will that be the case this year?

To get an idea of what's ahead and to learn just how hot the Valley could get this summer, The Show spoke with Matt Pace, meteorologist for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.

Pace said he expects moisture to make its way into the state by the end of June. 

“The reason for that is it might set up a little early because we haven’t seen a lot of snowpack in the West, which allows that high to set up a lot quicker," Pace said. "And then during La Ñina conditions, typically we can see more active weather.” He says increased moisture in the state also may lead to a warmer summer than usual.

"Even though we might see some slightly cooler temperatures, what we start to introduce is the moisture starts to increase," Pace said. "So it's harder to cool off outside as moisture continues to increase because the heat index goes up."

Pace says dust storms will be prevalent early on in the season, while bigger rain storms will come later.

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Steve Goldstein was a host at KJZZ from 1997 to 2022.