The Washington Post reports that a Trump campaign official who worked in Arizona has been subpoenaed by the Justice Department.
The summons comes after Tuesday’s Jan. 6 hearing, where the House Select Committee said the former president was directly involved in a scheme to have phony electors replace real ones in states, like Arizona, that Trump lost.
The Justice Department said months ago prosecutors were reviewing bogus Electoral College certificates signed in Arizona and other states.
A video about the fake electors scheme aired by the House Select Committee on Tuesday said Trump told the Republican National Committee to work with his campaign on the effort.
The next day, a campaign boss for Trump in Arizona, Thomas Lane, was reportedly subpoenaed by the Justice Department.
Former U.S. Attorney for Arizona Paul Charlton said in an email to KJZZ News that if true, the subpoena is significant because it confirms there’s an ongoing grand jury investigation related to the fake electors.
“If Mr. Lane received a subpoena, we do not know what the subpoena requires of Mr. Lane. Does it, for example, ask Mr. Lane to provide testimony, documents or both? Another unanswered question is whether (the Justice Department) sees Mr. Lane as a target of their investigation, or merely a witness to what happened,” wrote Charlton.