A new theater company premiered its debut show at the end of September and there’s still a few days left to see the production.
"Mala" centers on how the one-and-only character copes with being the primary caregiver for her elderly mother who suffers from dementia.
It's is a one-woman show written by Melinda Lopez, and produced by Order/Chaos Theater Company in Phoenix. The title character, played by Ángela Kabasan González, takes audiences on an exploration of how we live through, cope and survive in the last moments of our loved one’s lives.
Executive producer Cat Hartmann said it’s quite a feat for a single actress to carry a production by herself.
“To keep the audience that engaged and to take them, the way she does, with us on a journey through tears, laughter and eye-rolling — it’s a really beautiful catharsis if you’ve ever been a caregiver for an elderly relative or someone you love," Hartmann said.
“Mala” runs until Oct. 15 at the Herberger Theater’s Kax Stage.
A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales are being donated to Hospice of the Valley.