The elections director of heavily conservative Cochise County resigned on Tuesday after five years in the position, citing a physically and emotionally threatening work atmosphere. Lisa Marra's resignation comes just a few months after two Republican supervisors sued her in their bid to force a hand count of election results.
During the 2022 election, the Cochise County Board of Supervisors pushed for a hand count of all the ballots, which is illegal under state law. The legal back and forth caused a delay, and the results were certified after a court order was issued.
Marra's attorney said “objectively difficult and unpleasant working conditions” also contributed to her resignation.
County spokesperson Jane Montgomery said that Marra’s resignation is still being treated as an internal HR matter until they have more details.
Marra is just one of many election officials across the country who have left office due to the increasingly polarizing political environment. She still serves as the president of Election Officials of Arizona.