Starting next week, Tempe will test out a new way to cross the street: “all-pedestrian” crosswalks. But aren’t all crosswalks just for pedestrians to begin with?
Next Wednesday, Tempe will kick off a four-week pilot program of “all-pedestrian” crosswalks on the intersection of Mill Avenue and Fifth Street.
Instead of intermittent traffic at the four-way stop, all four lights will turn red at the same time, and right-hand turns will also be prohibited. Pedestrians can then cross the intersection in any direction, including diagonally. Bicyclists will count as vehicles unless they dismount and walk their bike.
And the same all-or-nothing approach will apply when vehicles are moving — pedestrians won’t be allowed to cross in any direction. The city is testing out the foot-traffic friendly intersection as part of the Downtown Tempe Refresh program.