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Tempe voters will decide on a new Arizona Coyotes arena and entertainment district on an old landfill site near Priest Drive and Rio Salado Parkway.
The special election will be held May, 16, 2023, and voters will decide on three separate propositions. Here’s an overview of each based on the ballot language released by the city of Tempe:
Proposition 301 — Amending the General Plan
Resolution No. R2022.170
Title: A resolution of the City Council of the city of Tempe, Arizona, amending the General Plan 2040 for approximately 34.43 acres located at 53 S. Priest Drive and owned by the city of Tempe.
Description: Voters will approve or reject the City Council’s amendment to the General Plan 2040 Land Use Map from “Commercial” to “Mixed Use” and Residential Density Map adding “High Density – Urban Core” (more than 65 dwelling units per acre) for 34.43 acres at 53 S. Priest Drive facilitates a mixed-use project with a professional sports franchise and entertainment district.
Proposition 302 — Rezoning the property
Ordinance No. O2022.56
Title: An ordinance of the City Council of the city of Tempe, Arizona, amending the city of Tempe zoning map, pursuant to provisions of zoning and development code part 2, chapter 1, section 2-106 and 2-107, relating to the location and boundaries of districts.
Description: Voters will approve or reject the City Council’s decision to rezone city property at 53 S. Priest Drive to MU-4 RSOD, Mixed Use District and add a Planned Area Development Overlay on 46.27 acres facilitates a mixed-use project with a professional sports franchise and entertainment district.
Proposition 303 — Entering an agreement with Bluebird Development LLC
Ordinance No. O2022.57
Title: An ordinance of the City Council of the city of Tempe, Arizona, authorizing the mayor to execute a development and disposition agreement with Bluebird Development LLC, for the project known as the Tempe Entertainment District located at the northeast corner of Priest Drive and Rio Salado Parkway in Tempe, that also establishes policy regarding referenda involving professional sports franchises.
Description: Voters will approve or reject City Council’s decision to approve a development and disposition agreement which allows the city to sell property at 53 S. Priest Drive to Bluebird Development LLC to facilitate the development of a mixed-use project with a professional sports franchise and entertainment district.