The Sandra Day O’Connor Institute for American Democracy is offering online civics education for adults. A 2022 survey by the Annenberg Center for Public Policy shows one in four Americans cannot name a single branch of the U.S. government, and the resource, called "Civics for Life," was created to help bridge the gap.
“We believe that the solution for greater understanding begins with civics knowledge," said Sarah Suggs, president and CEO of the institute. "These are tools — one isn’t born with them. And as Justice O'Connor said, our system of government is complex. You have to teach it to every generation.”
Suggs says topics covered include how to have civil discourse, understanding the judicial branch, and how to become more engaged as citizens. She says the content is intended to be accessible and easy-to-digest for adults who are no longer in school.
"We designed it to be for mainstream America," said Suggs. "This is not for academics that are in college or Ph.D. candidates. You'll see a vast menu of options. You can fill in the gaps or start at the beginning and we hope people will visit often."