Advocates celebrated earlier this month when the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision that kept intact one of the few ways people with disabilities, older adults and their families can protect their rights when a federally-funded program like Medicaid isn't safely administered.
The case centers around Gorgi Talevski, whose daughter sued the Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County in 2019, saying her father had been abused in his Medicaid-funded nursing home in Indiana. The question in the case wasn’t whether or not he had been abused, though — it was whether or not his daughter was allowed to sue over it.
When the high court heard arguments in November, there was a lot at stake. So much that advocates actually pressured the Talevski family to settle, fearing how the court would rule.
But the 7-2 decision surprised them. The Show spoke with Sara Luterman, caregiving reporter for The 19th, more about it.