Phoenix will soon begin accepting applications for its “Artists to Work” program. Up to 20 artists will receive grants through the competitive process.
Phoenix will use federal stimulus funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to award grants of $7,500.
Mitch Menchaca, the city’s arts and culture director, says the arts community has not financially recovered, especially artists on commission and those hired to create pieces.
“One of our goals with Artists to Work is to make sure that artists in Phoenix feel like they can still be here post-pandemic, that they don’t have to move away to another market to be able to find work,” he said.
The city will hold a virtual information session Aug. 2 on the program and process, which begins with an artist submitting a letter of interest followed by a full application. A committee will review applications and recommend artists to receive grants. A video replay of the session will be available later.
Menchaca said all Phoenix artists are welcome to apply.
“We do have the visual artists who are painting 2D imagery, might be doing some mural programs, but we also have fashion designers, we have jewelry makers, we have dancers, poets.”
All funded art must include a public presentation that benefits Phoenix residents.