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Lawsuit focuses on impact of grazing in Coronado National Forest riparian areas

Last week, the Center for Biological Diversity and Maricopa Audubon filed suit against Coronado National Forest over cattle grazing.

The suit focuses on protecting riparian ecosystems.

Hundreds of species of birds make their home in the forest, which is known for its biodiversity.

The suit focuses on a threatened species known as the yellow billed cuckoo, which relies on cottonwood trees in the region’s riparian ecosystems, said Charles Babbitt, of Maricopa Audubon.

But when cattle forage along streambeds, they eat cottonwood saplings before the trees have a chance to grow.

"It creates a microclimate in those areas, and the cuckoo is dependent upon on that. So, if the cattle are eating, you know, the trees, you’re just not getting any tree replacement," Babbitt said.

He says that climate change has made the problem of grazing worse.

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Ron Dungan was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2020 to 2024.