A series of ordinances addressing homelessness in Fountain Hills became the center of discussion at an August Town Council meeting.
Councilman Allen Skillicorn proposed two of the approved ordinances aimed at curbing urban camping and roadway pedestrians.
However, not all members of the council agreed with the ordinances, including Vice Mayor Sharron Grzybowksi.
“I feel like he's receiving complaints from his regular constituents. And I feel like it's fear-based. I don't know of any instances where we have had to fear our unhomed people," she said.
Grzybowski also said a lot of people she talked to felt officials are targeting a certain group of people. She said she would like to help not only currently unhoused people, but those who may be in danger of becoming unhoused.
Mayor Ginny Dickey voted against those prohibiting pedestrians in the roadway and solicitation. However, she approved the one curbing urban camping.
“I think it offers a solution that's acceptable to me that — in that it would not be enacted or enforced unless we can offer a safe place to the individual who might be camping on the public property," she said.
She also said her vote took place since the town attorney determined the ordinance met the legal threshold.