After four years of negotiation, the union representing journalists at the Arizona Republic has secured a two-year contract with parent company Gannett. The contract includes a $50,000 minimum salary and other benefits.
Longtime reporter Richard Ruelas chairs the Arizona Republic Guild. He says they also won guaranteed salary increases as reporters gain experience after a few years.
“I was surprised when we started this, and really talking to my fellow co-workers about how many of them were having to work side jobs or do meal delivery or things like that, to try to make ends meet,” Ruelas said.
He also says the pay structure at the Republic was low, with some new reporters only making $30,000.
We are proud to announce we have ratified our first contract with 100% voting in favor of ratification. This first contract was four years in the making, and we appreciate all of the support we received from our community.
— Arizona Republic Guild 🌵 (@azrepublicguild) January 26, 2024