A new documentary screening at ASU this week tells the story of the thousands of children abducted from Ukraine to Russia since the war began.
The Kyiv Independentproduced the documentary called "Uprooted." It features Ivan Matkovskyi, a forcibly transferred minor who managed to escape Russian authorities.
He’s come to Phoenix to promote the screening. Through a translator, Matkovskyi says he’s also here to raise awareness.
“I don’t feel like this was luck, I just feel that it’s my mission, my destiny to be brought back and my mission now is to share the stories of those children who are not back yet and to be their voices," Matkovskyi said.
It’s estimated that at least 20,000 and as many 100,000 children have been abducted from Ukraine and deported to Russia since the invasion two years ago.
The screening takes place at ASU’s Thunderbird School of Managementat 5 p.m. Friday followed by a panel discussion.
If you miss it, the video is also available on YouTube.