Astronomers were able to detect two of the most distant galaxies, JADES-GS-z14-0 and GS-z14-1, ever observed that originated during the “Cosmic Dawn” of the universe.
James Webb Space Telescope instruments developed by University of Arizona researchers allowed for the discovery.
The findings were confirmed in research papers last week. The papers stated the galaxies originated 300 million years after the Big Bang.
Considering how young the universe was when the galaxies must have formed, researchers said one held a surprising amount of stars.
One of the galaxies was much brighter than most appear at such distances due to glowing gasses between stars.
Researchers were able to detect the distance by measuring how much the light shifted to the red side of a spectrum. Kind of like when an ambulance drives away from you, the pitch of its siren falls.
The papers are awaiting peer review, though another related paper was accepted by the Astrophysical Journal.