The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office has identified a man who destroyed political campaign signs. The office says he ran over signs with his pickup truck, kicked them over and even cut them with a machete.
Multiple people witnessed the vandalism, which occurred in daylight hours Wednesday at a busy Yuma intersection. But when deputies arrived, the man and his truck were gone.
Tania Pavlak is a public affairs specialist with the sheriff’s office.
“We did put out a press release so the public can assist the Sheriff’s Office in identifying the subject. We also have a description of the vehicle so we are looking for information to be able to locate the suspect," she said.
Under Arizona law, a person who knowingly removes, alters, defaces or covers any political sign of any candidate for public office without authorization faces a class 2 misdemeanor.
The sheriff’s office says the man was issued a criminal citation and thanked the community for its assistance.