Peoria will no longer pursue the development of an airport. City officials had been eyeing a possible airport and business development for state land in north Peoria.
A study found a feasible site. But several factors, including restrictions due to adjacent land, ultimately influenced the city’s decision.
“We were looking at more of a Scottsdale-esque size airport, a 7,600-foot runway, and trying to see what we could actually accomplish to where we could actually bring more business travelers to the West Valley and be able to have more of a corporate jet community here in the Northwest Valley," said Mayor Jason Beck.
He says the plan involved working with others.
“We were never planning on building an airport with taxpayer dollars. What we had always intended to do is work with an airport provider that would actually go down this path and have a private airport that would be a private/municipal airport partnership," he said.
The study determined that economic development is still possible in the area, even without the airport. Deputy City Manager Mike Faust clarified that private parties can still pursue an airpark.
State and national gas prices continue to rise as the demand increases.
The grant awarded to the city will be used to improve and create bike paths. The goal is to make cyclists feel safer and connect Chandler.
For the first time ever, Sky Harbor International Airport saw more than 50 million people come through its terminals as of December 2024.
The Arizona Department of Transportation has launched a new system to help truckers find safe parking along Interstation 10.
Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction, and a city spokesperson said the timeline for the project is dependent on soil conditions.