The Arizona Department of Transportation has launched a new system to help truckers find safe parking along Interstate 10.
According to a poll conducted by the I-10 Corridor Coalition, made up of transportation departments for California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, nearly 80% of truckers said they spend more than 30 minutes looking for safe parking.
“There are new electronic boards along Interstate 10 displaying how many spaces are available at upcoming rest areas,” said Garin Groff, ADOT spokesperson. “Also, ADOT's technology is being shared with third parties so that truckers can use apps to get the information. Also, ADOT is working to add this information to the Arizona Traveler Information site at”
The signs feature real time information on the number of parking spaces available at the eastbound and westbound Ehrenberg and Bouse Wash rest areas between Phoenix and California and at the Texas Canyon and San Simon rest areas serving both directions of I-10 in southeastern Arizona.

“Truckers have a lot of demands on their time and the idea is to get them this information quickly and reliably so that they can get to a safe spot to get rest, to check out their vehicles without having to waste a lot of time trying to find a space that may not be there or a space that may be undesignated and not as safe as a rest area,” Goff said.
According to ADOT, the $2.8 million system is part of a $13.7 million initiative spearheaded by the I-10 Corridor Coalition. Funding includes a $6.85 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation.