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Prickly from KJZZ's Politics Desk
Every other week

It’s a new Arizona legislative session and it is a federal election year. How do you know what to pay attention to or what our elected officials are doing to represent us? Subscribe to Prickly from KJZZ’s Politics Desk.
Stories You Don’t Want To Miss
Friday afternoons

Can’t find the time to listen to every story on KJZZ? We get it – we’re busy, too.
Receive half a dozen of the week’s top stories from the KJZZ newsroom, including highlights from KJZZ’s original production, The Show, the KJZZ Business Desk, the KJZZ Education Desk, the Fronteras Desk and the KJZZ Tribal Natural Resources Desk.
From The Land

Explore coverage of Native American tribes empowering themselves through stewardship and decision-making around their natural resources.
KJZZ Q&AZ Update

We think great stories start with curious questions, and KJZZ wants to investigate your questions – big or small – from the Valley or across the state. Through our Q&AZ reporting project, we answer the questions listeners send in. Find out new things about the Grand Canyon State each month.
Hear Arizona Podcast Newsletter
Monthly as new podcast episodes are published

Hear Arizona podcasts address issues and empower our community with solutions journalism. Past podcasts have covered issues like aging, accessibility, affordable housing, homelessness, the arts, education, veterans, and climate change.
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