In northern Arizona, tribal leaders are informing residents that the country’s immigration agencies are not targeting indigenous residents amid unsubstantiated claims. At the same time, they want constituents to be prepared if they do.
Officials from the Navajo Nation and the White Mountain Apache tribe have stated that they have not been able to confirm that tribal members were detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Meanwhile, local law enforcement say any reports that ICE is operating in northern Arizona communities are false.
Nevertheless, the Navajo government is encouraging tribal members to carry state ID cards or even Certificates of Indian Blood.
Michael Lewis is with the Navajo Nation’s Washington Office. He said they’re following two cases.
"We don’t think anyone was taken to an ICE detention facility. We think they were stopped by ICE and questioned. But actually nothing came of it," he said.
The Navajo Nation has set up a tipline for its tribal members:
• Phone: 855-435-7672
• Website:
• Email: [email protected]
ICE has not responded to several requests for information from KJZZ News.