If you're headed to Oak Creek Canyon or Sedona this month, the Arizona Department of Transportation wants you to plan for upcoming closures of State Route 89A.
SR 89A will be closed from about 6-8 a.m. on Aug. 15 and 16 between Cookstove Draw and Oak Creek Vista (mileposts 387-390), so crews can continue work on a rockfall mitigation project, ADOT officials said Thursday in a press release. The same area will also be closed Aug. 19-23 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
SR 89A runs south from Flagstaff through Oak Creek Canyon and into Sedona. ADOT is urging drivers to use Interstate 17 and SR 179 to get from Sedona to Flagstaff. \
ADOT spokesperson Doug Ninztel says the closures stem from a rock slide in March 2023.
"This is a rockfall mitigation project, and it involves the installation of a new section of pipeline that will carry much of the storm runoff in that area directly down the slope," Nintzel said.
Officials say project will continue into the fall, with closures and lane restrictions in the Creek Canyon switchbacks area.
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