Last week, AHCCCS, Arizona’s version of Medicaid, paused its plan to transition thousands of elderly and physically disabled members to two new health plans after a judge decided that the agency had improperly issued contracts to those companies.
AHCCCS, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, must now alert its members. These members are part of Arizona Long Term Care System, known as ALTCS, which is Arizona’s long-term care system, and they are some of the most vulnerable. Many may still be unaware of the pause.
An AHCCCS spokesperson said emails are being sent to members this week. They should also expect something in the mail.
The messages say to ignore any previous notices about changes to the ALTCS health plans. As for what’s next, AHCCCS has until Sept. 8 to decide if it's going to accept, reject or modify the judge’s decision, who recommended that the procurement be canceled and a new request for proposal be issued — effectively telling AHCCCS to start over.
ALTCS members who need to update their email or mailing addresses should call 888-621-6880.