Gilbert residents with electric vehicles may be subject to new fees at charging stations at town facilities.
The Town Council will hold a vote on Tuesday to consider whether to implement fees at city charging stations.
“So with the renovation of our town hall, we introduced new smart chargers. And so when we are ready to implement those - those now have the capabilities to have a fee also to provide data that we weren't receiving before,” said Jennika Horta, assistant to the town manager of Gilbert.
She said policies in other local municipalities were taken into consideration.
"So we looked at Chandler, Mesa, Tempe, ASU as well as the state of Arizona facilities. And in comparison, we'll align with them," she said.
The fee structure would charge 25 cents per kilowatt hour for the first four hours of charge and 70 cents per kilowatt hour after those first four hours.
If council decides to implement the changes, fees would go into effect in August.