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Tell us your favorite line from the Declaration of Independence

The Fourth of July is approaching, and every year Morning Edition takes the holiday to reflect on the nation’s founding document — The Declaration of Independence.

What comes to your mind when you think about the Declaration of Independence?

We’re asking our listeners to send us their favorite lines, words or phrases in the Declaration of Independence, and tell us why those lines stick out to you and what significance they hold.

Here’s a list of questions to answer and share with us:

  1. What is your favorite line, word or phrase from the Declaration of Independence?
  2. What stands out about this line, word or phrase?
  3. How does this line hold true in our country today? 

Share your story with us, and you could end up being featured in an upcoming edition of the Up First newsletter and Morning Edition

Please include your first and last name, age and where you're from. If you would like, you can also upload an audio submission answering the questions.

We will accept responses until 8 a.m. ET on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

Your submission will be governed by our general Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As the Privacy Policy says, we want you to be aware that there may be circumstances in which the exemptions provided under law for journalistic activities or freedom of expression may override privacy rights you might otherwise have.

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Copyright 2024 NPR

Destinee Adams
Destinee Adams is a production assistant on Morning Edition and Up First. [Copyright 2024 NPR]