Chloe Jones
Chloe Jones was an intern at KJZZ from 2018 to 2019.
Northern Arizona University has worked with multiple agencies for the past year to ship wood chips to South Korea.The process starts Wednesday, and it will help forest restoration efforts, prevent wildfires and bring in income to the state.
With a crowded jail and creeping pension debt, Yavapai County’s Board of Supervisors is proposing a 3% property tax increase to alleviate financial stress. The county has worked to divert potential inmates from jail by addressing mental health concerns.
Valley Metro riders are being greeted with ambassadors at light rail stations. The staffers are part of the transit agency’s “Respect the Ride” program designed to boost rider experience.
Two to 5 million years ago, oceans were 50 feet higher, icecaps were smaller and CO2 levels were about the same as today during Pliocene epoch. Researchers at the University of Arizona are using ancient plankton to help predict climate in the near future.
“That area is from several miles east of Tortilla Flat to just west of Apache Lake Marina turn-off. Due to run-off and debris flows that could be much more intense after a wildfire, there's a possibility of flash flooding from monsoon storms," said Caroline Carpenter, with the Arizona Department of Transportation.
The leak has been flowing out of the Lead Queen Mine in Patagonia since 2014. The Coronado National Forest has come up with a new plan to stop it.
Lake Powell used to be the most popular attraction, but in the past few years, visitation to the area’s land has skyrocketed, with nearly half of the 4.3 million visitors per year visiting Horseshoe Bend. From 2015-2017, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area saw an 83% increase in visitors. A new trail that will be added to promote more land-based activities at the area.
The border city of Nogales, Arizona, is considering expanding its borders to grow its population.
The Douglas Dispatch has been serving the border town of Douglas, Arizona for 117 years as the only source of local news, but with tough economic times, the weekly paper is struggling.
The Arizona Department of Education has teamed up with the health department to promote vaccinations for students in public schools after several measles outbreaks in other states.