Herb Paine
CommentatorCommentator Herb Paine is president of Paine Consulting Services in Phoenix.
With the passing of President Jimmy Carter, commentator Herb Paine reflect on what the loss of a man with such character means in today’s shrill political landscape, where statesmanship and dignity are sorely needed at all levels of governance.
The theater season in the Valley is in full swing. A question for contributor Herb Paine looms as to whether audiences are exposed to a diverse palette of productions.
The "silver surge" is coming! America is getting older. In less than a decade, every baby boomer will be over 65. Contributor Herb Paine wonders: Are we ready?
Contributor Herb Paine says voters should be thinking about what really matters when they assess the economic policies of the 2024 presidential candidates.
The humanities provide a prism through which we can better understand the human condition. In this essay, commentator Herb Paine contemplate how theatre has performed such a role in highlighting over time the excesses and abuses of politics — in particular, the global rise of autocrats who challenge the foundations of democracies.
Contributor Herb Paine focuses on the persistent underfunding of education and the arts — and the disparities and inequities in the allocation of resources to both.