Kaely Monahan
Kaely Monahan was a producer and senior producer for KJZZ's The Show from 2016 to 2022.
After the House and Senate went into recess, several members of Arizona's congressional delegation tweeted responses from safe locations inside the Capitol.
As 2020 winds down, The Show senior producer and independent film critic Kaely Monahan reflects on this year in film.
Gov. Doug Ducey allowed the state to reopen in May, and that included faith gatherings. But the coronavirus continued to surge in Arizona, causing some faith leaders to reevaluate welcoming back worshippers.
The pandemic has forced a lot of entertainers to get creative, and two local women have adapted their show to be CDC compliant and also a lot of fun. They’re called the Ladies, and their show is part improv, part theater and part dance routines.
Those living with HIV can be particularly vulnerable to a wide range of illnesses. And for many of them, living through this current pandemic mirrors living through the AIDS pandemic of the 1980s and '90s. Glen Spencer, executive director of Aunt Rita’s Foundation, says the pandemic is changing the lives of those who are HIV positive.
The Show's Page Turner series asks local booksellers to talk about their latest recommendations. Katie Miller from Antigone Books explains how E.J. Koh translated her mother's letters from South Korea to form the structure of "The Magical Language of Others."
The effects of quarantining have impacted many facets of our lives. While the loss of revenue is a hard blow, those involved in events that are celebrating big anniversaries say the biggest loss is the chance to celebrate with the community.
The Show is telling the stories of five more Arizona women who helped shape their communities and the state’s history as part of the series Women of the West. A pioneer in more ways than one, Georgie White Clark a pioneering river guide who ran Grand Canyon river trips into her 80s.
As fear of the new coronavirus continues to spread, Chinese and other Asian Americans have been feeling the impact. The Phoenix Chinese Culture and Cuisine Festival celebrated the Chinese New Year over the weekend. Meng Ansley was one of the organizers, and she said news of the coronavirus did have an effect on this year’s festivities.
Earlier this year, the Federal Aviation Administration grounded the Boeing 737 MAX 8 jet. That followed two crashes over the previous six months. Those incidents, and the effects of those planes not being in the air, were some of the biggest stories of the year in aviation.