Olivia Riçhard
Olivia Riçhard was an assistant producer for KJZZ's The Show from 2018 to 2019.
Thousands of refugees migrate to the United States every year, fleeing war zones around the world. America offers hope and opportunity for many, but adjusting to a new country with a different culture, language and customs is often more complicated than many expect.
It's that time of year again, when kids are lining up to meet one special man. But for some children with special needs, seeing Santa in a noisy, crowded mall is more of an emotional nightmare.
If you haven’t checked your soap lately, you may want to do so. Some companies are changing up the ingredients you’re lathering up with in an effort to abide by a recent FDA ban.
Phoenix has been taking a progressive new approach to handling the hundreds of veteran cases that cross the desk of county courts every year.
This election season there has been a lot of attention given to the two major party candidates. But this year, the election is just as much about who is on the ballot as who is casting them. Nov. 8 will mark the first major election where all millennials in the country are eligible by age to vote.
A new study from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has found marijuana use by adults over the age of 55 has narrowly eclipsed that of teenagers over the past the decade
Mi Familia Vota is one of several local voter outreach organizations working to increase voter registration and turnout within the Latino community. This year they set the lofty goal of registering 75,000 new Arizonan latinos to vote before the October 10 registration deadline.
If you thought the latest hurricane to hit the Gulf of Mexico had a Harry Potter themed name, you may want to take a second before you reach for your wands.
Arizona ranks in the bottom 10 of all states for fiscal success, according to a new study done by GoBankingRates.
As a result of new DNA technology, police were able to identify the two victims as Baltazar Lopez and Azaren Cordova, both 36-years-old at the time of their disappearance from west Phoenix in 2008.