Stina Sieg
Stina Sieg was a senior field correspondent at KJZZ from 2013 to 2018.
The Bureau of Land Management headquarters is moving from Washington, D.C., to Grand Junction, Colo. The Trump administration says it wants the agency to be nearer to the places it oversees.
When someone dies, the physical items they leave behind can hold a kind of magic for their loved ones – glasses, an old car, worn shoes. But what about something as intangible as a phone number? The story of how one cellphone number bonded three women, each grieving for the husband she lost.
For nearly six years, you’ve been hearing the voice of reporter Stina Sieg. Now, she’s leaving for a new adventure in Grand Junction, at Colorado Public Radio. Here she is, in her own words.
It doesn’t matter if you live in a small town or the big city, if you live in Arizona, you probably live close to hiking trails. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you feel comfortable on them. In the final installment of KJZZ;s series about hiking and diversity, we meet a woman who wants people from all walks of life to take a hike. Solo Hiking: Meet The Women Who Like To Go It Alone → Hiking With Disabilities: Making Wilderness Accessible To Everyone →
Famed naturalist John Muir once wrote that “going to the woods is going home.” Many feel that connection to wilderness, but disabilities can make people feel locked out of it. Part two of a three-part series about diverse hikers is about the importance of making hiking accessible to everyone.Hear Part One, Solo Hiking: Women Who Like To Go It Alone →
Nature is for everyone, but it doesn’t always feel that way. Society has a way of imposing silent rules on who should be an outdoorsy person — or sometimes we impose them on ourselves. In the first of a three-part series about hikers who might surprise you, meet the women who like to walk alone.
Gov. Doug Ducey has fired state parks director Sue Black. Black had been on leave since the beginning of the month, when the state announced a criminal investigation into whether her agency had bulldozed archeological sites.
Arizona’s retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake says he won’t vote to confirm any judicial nominees unless GOP leaders hold a vote on legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller from being fired.
The Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport has been getting steadily busier — and that trend is set to continue.
The Navajo Nation is allowing offering voters another chance to cast a ballot after many precincts ran out on Election Day.